Picture if you will - a beach. Some of us might conjure up images of a weekend beach resort near the city - a la Coney Island - filled with a crowd escaping from the daily drudge of urban summer heat; families, children, noisy motorboats and hotdog vendors plying their trade along the boardwalk. A beach so crowded you have to fight for a spot of sand. Others may opt for farther away shores; dazzling white, bleached sand, almost too brilliant for your gaze, spread out for miles along a coastline with an undulating turquoise border which is actually the blue-green waters of the Caribbean. These waters lap the white sand, then stretch far away, becoming darker until they meet the pastel blue sky along the horizon. There are all types of beaches for all types of people; some seeking solitude and quiet, others looking to party, couples searching for a romantic getaway and many parents in need of a good beach playground for the kids. This CD-ROM is designed to help you find that particular beach. I have spent years travelling to the islands of the Caribbean: flying directly to some; arriving by tiny aircraft onto impossibly short island airstrips for others; sailing yachts, powerboats, even hitching on mailboats to smaller specks in the Caribbean Sea, and swimming to a few... all the while constantly photographing the best of these paradise island retreats. I hope the CD can help you in planning your Caribbean vacation. Donald Nausbaum Box 65060 358 Danforth Avenue Toronto Ontario Canada M4K 3Z2 (e-mail: purpldog@ionsys.com) PS: If you find some hidden gem we may have overlooked, or simply couldn't mention for lack of space, please let us know. I'll check it out on my continuing Caribbean travels.